Cities are at the forefront of climate action, shaping how we live and interact with the environment. With urban areas...
In today's world, sustainability is no longer a luxury but a necessity for businesses. As we continue to embrace digitalization,...
Impact Day 2024, the largest sustainability and impact festival in the Baltics and Nordics, recently concluded with great success. Held...
Organizing an environmental sustainability festival is a great way to inspire positive change and promote eco-friendly practices. These events bring...
If you're planning to attend Impact Day 2024, the premier sustainability festival in the Nordic and Baltic regions, you might...
Tiimiüritused ja firma suvepäevad on suurepärased võimalused tugevdada meeskonnavaimu, edendada tiimitööd ning pakkuda kolleegidele meeldejäävaid kogemusi. Järgnevalt tutvustame ideid ja...
On May 16th, we hosted a webinar, diving into the details of B-Corp certification. Moderated by Erkki Kubber from Impact...
Ettevõtte meeskonnaüritused on suurepärane võimalus tugevdada meeskonna ühtekuuluvustunnet ja tõsta töötajate motivatsiooni ning seeläbi suurendada koostöövalmidust töökeskkonnas. Kui otsite uusi...
Eduka organisatsiooni alus tugineb kahele aspektile - sujuvale meeskonnatööle ning juhile, kes loob selleks tingimused. Hea koostööoskus, koostööaldis suhtumine ja...
Our world is undeniably shaped by capitalism, and the time has come for us to revolutionize our habits and lifestyles...
Yes, Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) can gain real benefits by proactively assessing their impacts, risks, and opportunities under the...
Impact Day is much more than a festival - it's the largest and sexiest sustainability event in the region. Our...
Indoor plants offer a wide range of benefits, making them a popular choice for home and office environments. Living in...
Welcome to Tallinn, the charming capital of Estonia, where history, culture, and sustainability converge to create a unique and enriching...
Impact Day is not just an event, it's an opportunity to immerse yourself in a world of knowledge, inspiration, and...
Recognised as one of the world’s most sustainable IT services companies, Atea is increasingly taking steps to minimise its environmental...
Some may wonder is food waste really such a big issue to talk about? Looking at a global level, it...
Today, sustainability is no longer optional and is increasingly becoming part of companies' core business. So far, we have been discussing...
Like many other countries in the EU, Estonia faces unique challenges in its labor market due to demographic shifts, specifically...
In a world filled with constant noise and distractions, silence provides a refuge for concentration and creativity. Whether you're brainstorming...
Next time you pass a waste container, think twice – is it being honest with you? Luckily, it’s not that...
To become an inspiring speaker who can captivate large crowds, the most important factors are genuine interest and passion for...
It's widely understood that people who recognize the significance of environmental issues tend to adopt environmentally friendly behaviors more often...
According to Kristi Tiido, the founder of Phére studio, real impact comes from changing the way you think. She believes...
Everyone has probably encountered the influence of a tedious speech as a listener: how time seems to stretch, attention gets...
"But I have nothing to wear!" is a problem, and often an ill-conceived one, that almost everyone has faced at...
How to gain maximum amount of knowledge and new contacts while attending a festival/conference? Presented here is one way of...
We asked the Impact Day 2022 participants to write down one main thought/idea that they got from the event. So...
Sustainability - (im)possible? Well, you obviously already know what we think about that. So here are 25 small hacks on...
Event management is something that produces a large number of disposable items – whether it's disposable carpets, lots of tape...