Carbon Savings

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Ready to make a difference? Purchase your KWOTA Tokens today and join us in shaping a more sustainable future at Impact Day. Together, let’s turn sustainability into a movement – and let’s make it sexy.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why should I be the one compensating?

    Compensation is voluntary, but we recommend making the effort to compensate for the footprint that got you to the event. Whether it is by plane, car, train or public transport – a carbon footprint was left and compensating your footprint contributes to further increasing material circularity by material producers and further reducing carbon emissions.

  • How does circularity reduce CO2 emissions?

    Circularity can help reduce CO2 emissions in several ways.

    1. When materials are recycled instead of being discarded, it reduces the need to extract, process and manufacture new materials. Meaning fewer greenhouse gasses are emitted in the production process, as energy and resources are conserved.

    2. Circularity can reduce emissions associated with waste disposal. Waste in landfills can produce methane – a potent greenhouse gas. Recycling can dramatically reduce this.

    3. Circularity can reduce emissions associated with transportation. When materials are sources, processed and manufactured locally, it reduces the need to transport them long distance (via ship, plane etc.)

  • Why aren't producers recycling?

    Surprisingly, a growing number of Europeans are actively engaging in recycling efforts. However, the unfortunate reality is that recycling comes at a greater expense. Regrettably, opting for virgin materials remains a more cost-effective choice in both production and procurement. It also involves fewer challenges in supplier sourcing and ensuring the quality of materials. This predicament has become a pressing concern in today’s context. KWOTA is poised to address this issue by bridging the financial gap, leveling the playing field, and providing recyclable materials the opportunity they deserve.

  • Where does my money go?

    80% of proceeds are given back to material producers such as Dagöplast, Räpina Paberivabrik, Estiko-Plastar and many others to reinvest in acquiring more recyclable materials for reproduction, reducing the need and reliance of taking from the earth and preserving the environment.

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