The Power of Speech: Insights from Public Speaking Champion Mohammed Qahtani

The Power of Speech: Insights from Public Speaking Champion Mohammed Qahtani
Published: 4. September 2024
Categories: Interview

Meet Mohammed Qahtani, a man whose journey took him from grappling with a stutter to becoming the 2015 Toastmasters World Champion of Public Speaking. He’s a testament to personal determination, illustrating the power of overcoming personal challenges to influence the world. As a highly sought-after speaker, Qahtani has given more than a thousand keynotes and run numerous workshops globally. Now, he’s gearing up to captivate audiences again as one of the speakers at Impact Day 2024.

In addition, Mohammed is a five-time TEDx speaker, a certified trainer and coach, who has had more than 1000 speaking engagements in over 40 countries. Mohammed has delivered several workshops on topics such as coping with change, overcoming career burnout, finding passion in your work, building a successful team, and leadership in times of crisis.

The Journey to Public Speaking Mastery

How have your experiences with overcoming stuttering influenced your approach to public speaking?

At the beginning, I made the mistake of avoiding my problem and staying quiet. I thought taking the easy road would be the best option. But, that only worsened the problem and deepened my isolation. A fellow high school student gave me the advice that when I spoke on stage, I stuttered less. That was the driving force behind my passion for public speaking.

You’ve given over a thousand keynotes and conducted numerous workshops. Is there any particular event or audience that stands out in your memory? Why?

The best audience I had the pleasure to present to was in Hyderabad, India. It was a huge and very receptive crowd, mostly in their early 20s. It was an unforgettable experience because I felt I could really influence how they shape their future.

How did winning the Toastmasters World Championship of Public Speaking 2015 impact your career?

I feel blessed to be asked to speak at many events all over the globe. Winning the championship has given me the opportunity to make an impact in people’s lives. It’s a great feeling when people listen to you.

How do you handle the fear and pressure that often come with public speaking, particularly in front of a large audience?

The fear is always there, it never goes away. However, you have the choice to either let it be an obstacle or a motive. It’s like riding a rollercoaster – it’s scary, but you do it anyways because the rush gives you a feeling of excitement.

Sustainability: Personal Insights and Global Implications

Sustainability is a broad term. What does it mean to you personally, and how do you think it should be approached on a global scale?

Sustainability is about protecting the lifestyle we have now without harming the planet just to make our lives easier. We are depleting our planet and we don’t care about it. We need to be mindful of our blessings and strive to preserve them.

At Impact Day you’re part of a sustainability festival. How do you see the role of public speaking and communication in promoting and teaching sustainability?

The general public doesn’t grasp the severity of the problems we have with our planet. We need to deliver this message in a way they can grasp. Simply presenting facts and figures won’t do – we need to paint a vivid picture of the grim future our planet will face if we don’t act now.

Do you think the corporate world is doing enough on sustainability? What are the specific areas they need to focus on more?

There is some great work in sustainability, but most corporations focus on profit. Unfortunately, if a company sacrifices profit to save the planet, investors will simply go elsewhere. Governments need to set rules that all can follow.

What is your controversial/unpopular opinion about sustainability? And your biggest dream?

My opinion is that people won’t act until they suffer the consequences. But my dream is seeing everyone adopting the practice of sustaining the planet as a way of life and not just a temporary trend.

Powering Teams: Empowerment, Leadership, and Inclusivity

In your experience, what are the essential traits one should possess to empower others in the workplace?

A true leader walks the talk. You can’t expect to motivate your team if you don’t set an example yourself.

Can you share some examples where empowering the team led to a significant positive outcome?

For a successful example, look at Napoleon. During battles, he was always in the front lines, not sitting at the back giving orders. His army believed in him because they saw him as an example.

Can you give us some tips on building the ‘perfect team’ – one that is diverse, inclusive, and committed to sustainability?

Realize your team members’ strengths and weaknesses. If someone is underperforming, perhaps they’ve been given a job that doesn’t match their skills.

Exploring the Impact of ‘Power of Words’

Could you please elaborate a bit on your Impact Day 2024 speech ‘Power of Words’? How did you come up with it and what does it mean to you?

This speech is dear to my heart because I believe our words and how we say them make a difference. Everything in this world, good or bad, exists because either the right person was given a chance to speak or the wrong person was. We often dream of making the world a better place but don’t speak up, letting the chance go to the wrong person.

At Impact Day, Mohammed Qahtani will take the Impact Stage on October 11th. Check out the program agenda.

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