Pioneering Change: How Anete Garoza is Turning the Tide on Climate Change

Pioneering Change: How Anete Garoza is Turning the Tide on Climate Change
Published: 16. September 2024
Categories: Interview

International climate lawyer, Forbes 30 Under 30 recipient, and Chief Climate Officer of 1MTN, Anete Garoza can be best described as a force of nature. With a mission to restore one million hectares of degraded land in Africa by 2030, she’s not just making waves, but tsunami-sized impacts on environmental policy, sustainability and climate law. At Impact Day 2024, she takes part in the panel discussion “Front-Runners in CO2 Reduction: Which Sector Will Take the Reins?”.

“Sustainability is about treating the Earth like our favorite home—cleaning up after ourselves, taking only what we need, and being mindful of our impact,” says Anete. Small personal choices, like cutting down on disposable coffee cups, might seem insignificant, but they’re seeds for broader cultural shifts. “They’re how we start building a sustainable future from the ground up,” she adds.

Climate Law: The Start of the Journey

Anete’s journey into climate law began six years ago when sustainability topics began to emerge in Europe, leading to the creation of INLUD Legal in Latvia. “My journey in the climate space truly started when I realized I was more interested in actively contributing to saving the planet rather than just talking about it, and this is when I co-founded 1MTN,” she shares. Her motivation stems from a profound passion and a healthy dose of fear. “Fear that one day, my kids might ask, ‘Mom, why did you let this happen?’ That thought alone drives me to keep pushing forward.”

She likens legal frameworks to “traffic lights on the road to sustainability.” She describes, “Without them, it’s pure chaos—everyone’s honking, and no one’s getting anywhere. But with clear rules in place, we can actually make progress in a structured way, avoiding the confusion and conflicts that could otherwise derail our efforts.”

She further simplifies Article 6 of the Paris Agreement as a global “carbon trade” market. “It allows countries to buy and sell credits for actions that help the planet. It’s important because it creates a system where countries can work together to reduce global emissions, making it easier to achieve our climate goals.”

A Path Fraught with Challenges

Changing mindsets is one of the most significant challenges Anete faces. “It’s a bit like trying to get someone to eat broccoli because it’s good for them. People often prefer the ‘chocolate’—the easier, more convenient options—but you have to keep advocating for the ‘greens’ because, in the end, that’s what truly benefits everyone.”

At 1MTN, Anete and her team focus on transforming degraded lands into thriving ecosystems. “Our approach is rooted in the 3P model—People, Planet, and Profit,” says Anete. The process starts with developing a project design document while simultaneously researching and validating the land. Despite challenges like a lack of digitalization and developing carbon market regulations, progress has been hopeful. “We’ve successfully polished our first project instance, covering 400 hectares, and it’s now fully operational and ready for scale.”

It’s About Sustainable Connections

As the Ambassador of Nairobi in the Top Tier Impact Network, Anete emphasizes the power of community and shared values. “It’s about connecting people with shared values first and foremost. Business isn’t conducted between companies; it’s conducted between people.”

To raise awareness about sustainable development and climate law among different demographics, Anete works closely with local media, radio stations, and through events. “We aim to show people that they’re not just passive spectators—they’re the ones who can truly make a difference,” she adds.

One such event was the first-ever East Africa Carbon Markets Forum ‘24 in Uganda. This event sparked numerous conversations, eventually leading to the establishment of the Carbon Market Association of Uganda. It received significant publicity on one of the main TV stations in the country.

A Vision for the Future

Anete’s dream for the future is refreshingly straightforward. “To make climate action so cool that it becomes mainstream. I envision a world where going green is as trendy as the latest iPhone model and where people are as excited about reducing their carbon footprint as they are about the next big tech launch.”

Anete identifies renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, and green tech as the frontrunners in CO2 reduction. “These sectors are like the Avengers of the fight against climate change—each one brings its own unique ‘superpowers’ to the table. Together, they can create an unstoppable force for CO2 reduction. Individually, they’re already showing what’s possible.”

She concludes with an encouraging tip for future leaders. “Discover your passion, embrace it wholeheartedly, and don’t hesitate to be so to say the one who arrives with reusable bags at every gathering. Stay engaged, stay informed, build your network, and never stop learning.”

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