

Sustainability is one of our core values and ways of being at Impact Day. Being the biggest sustainability event around this topic in Baltics and Nordics, we strive to be the best role models for managing our own impact.

Main Pillars for Sustainability

  • Environmental

    The goal is to have as little environmental impact as possible. To do this, we strive to use the best environmentally friendly resources, we rent versus buy, we collect and monitor data, etc.

  • Social

    The main impact of our work comes from the social perspective: how much can we promote sustainability topic. In addition, we are all for diverse participation, building a community, etc.

  • Governance

    Holistic approach is something we preach with our team and stakeholders. Providing a healthy working environment, being transparent, having inclusive decision making are a must.

  • Economical

    Acknowledging our economical impact is also important. We want to boost the local economy and support the companies that align with our values and mission.

Key Figures from Impact Day 2023

  • 2689

    participants -> 2 out of 3 learnt something new about sustainability, 67.4% got new contacts

  • 52,22%

    of the speakers were women -> gender balance!

  • 18

    kgCO2e was the carbon footprint per participant per day -> average in the event industry is 200

  • 400000+

    euros was the total estimated economic impact for Estonia (limited calculation)

  • 89

    organisations collaborated with Impact Day from different sectors

  • 100+

    media coverage that enabled to promote the sustainability topic in general

Want to learn more about our sustainability efforts?

  • Sustainability Guidelines

    We have developed sustainability guidelines that we and our partners follow.

  • Impact Report 2023

    Read the full overview of key results and activities for Impact Day 2023 season.

  • Resources & best practices

    Would like your event to also be sustainable? We can help you with that, for sure!

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