
The world is changing, and Impact Day 2025 will provide a safe space to navigate and make sense of these turbulent times.


The evolving political, economic, and security landscape is reshaping the sustainability conversation, making this event more relevant than ever.

On October 9-10, Tallinn (Kultuurikatel / Creative Hub) will host the Baltic & Nordic’s most impactful sustainable organisations, trainers, and speakers. The program offers valuable content for entrepreneurs, investors, public servants, students, lecturers, and anyone interested in impact and sustainability.



Meet the first announced speakers of Impact Day 2025. Whether the topic is reducing your footprint, maintaining a good well-being or impact measurement - practical tips and effective stories will be told on Impact Day!

Past speakers

Who has already been at Impact Day stage?
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Recommend a speaker

We are giving our best to fill the Impact Day stages with the most inspiring speakers but you may have someone in your mind that we haven't thought about yet. So feel free to recommend us a speaker (or speakers) who you'd like to see and hear at this year's Impact Day!

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