From vision to victory: Impact Day proves that sustainability is here to stay

From vision to victory: Impact Day proves that sustainability is here to stay
Published: 6. October 2023
Categories: News

On 5-6 October Impact Day, the largest sustainability festival in the Baltics took place in Tallinn. More than 150 speakers performed on the stages, and according to preliminary data, 2,594 people took part in the festival together with the pre-events. 

Over 500 people from 10 different countries helped to make Impact Day 2023 happen. According to Merili Ginter, the Head Organizer of the festival, it can be seen how sustainability has already become a bigger and more important topic in society. “Looking at the profile of this year’s participants and speakers, as well as the interest of the media, it is a pleasure to note that sustainability has received more and more attention. Now we can only wait to see what will happen after the festival – whether our society, businesses and public sector will really change for the better,” she said. 

In addition to influential presentations, many practical workshops and (panel) discussions took place on three stages. On site, it was also possible to explore the large EXPO area where approximately 40 companies participated. There was also an entertaining Impact Sound on the opening night where musician Tom Walsberg performed and impacted everyone with some amazing sounds. 

One of the speakers of the event was Rolf Ladau, CEO of the Finnish food and coffee empire Paulig. “Without a doubt, sustainability is important and sexy,” Ladau answered to the question “Is sustainability sexy?”, inspired by the main slogan of the event. “Sustainability is a topic we all have to deal with. This is to ensure that our planet is handed over to future generations in a better condition than it is now,” he added. 

Impact Day 2023, the Baltics’ first carbon compensated festival (powered by KWOTA), brought together enthusiasts who want to understand sustainability better than before and influencers/speakers who educated listeners-viewers on making more sustainable choices on a daily basis. In addition, responsible entrepreneurs, investors and representatives of the public sector participated in the festival.

In 2024, Impact Day will be a three-day festival, taking place on the dates 10-12 October.


Impact Day is brought to you with an ultimately strong impact community, just look at this list:

SEB Estonia • Delfi • Social Enterprise Estonia • Stories for Impact • Center for Environmental Investments • Reach for Change • Sustinere • Fairtrade • DPD Estonia • Elisa Estonia • Estonian Ministry of the Interior • Miltton New Nordics • Network of County Development Centers • Lindström • Junior Achievement Estonia

City of Tallinn • Visit Tallinn • Tallinn – Euroopa Green Capital 2023 • British Council Estonia • U.S. Embassy Tallinn, Estonia • Startup Estonia • Visit Estonia • KredEx and Enterprise Estonia • National Foundation of Civil Society • Estonian Centre for International Development

Paulig • Orkla Estonia • Eleport • Tallinn University • Ülemiste Centre • Beast • Adven Estonia • Tallink • WasteLocker • KWOTA • Silen • Perfi • Helmes • Swedbank Estonia • Fotografiska Tallinn • Santa Maria • Lidl EstoniaNeste

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